LeSS Framework

less overview
In a nutshell… Scrum is an empirical process control development framework in which a cross-functional self-managing team develops a product in an iterative incremental manner. At the end of each (on average) two-week Sprint a completely ‘done’ potentially shippable product increment (for short, shippable increment) is delivered, and possibly shipped. A single Product Owner is responsible for maximizing product value, prioritizing items (features) in the Product Backlog, and adaptively deciding the goal of each Sprint based on frequent inspection. A Team of about seven is responsible for delivering the Sprint goal, and they have or learn all required skills. There are no special job titles and no single-specialized sub-teams. A ScrumMaster educates about Scrum and how to derive value with it, and coaches the Product Owner, Team, and organization to apply it. There is no project manager, team lead, or other role in Scrum. A Sprint starts with Sprint Planning, and ends with a Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective to inspect and adapt, respectively, about the product and processes[1].
agile scrum at glance

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